Having been initially produced for sport applications, today nearly one-third of the global turf market caters to landscape and recreational uses, with the market projected to reach $7 billion by 2025 – as reported by IndustryARC in their own market forecast for 2020 to 2025. Scott Lowrie, President of Controlled Products – a renowned organization that has led the artificial turf industry in manufacturing technology for over 25 years – encourages contractors, landscapers, and other industry professionals to consider the profitability of artificial grass: “Artificial grass is a rapidly growing industry with adoption rates that suggest it will continue this trend for decades to come. The market is still in its infancy and for those who are looking for new products and new markets, artificial turf is a great product to promote.“ Custom builders, landscape architects, real estate agents and management firms, as well as local governments are seeking the benefits of synthetic turf in increasing numbers. An Administrative Draft Report for the City of Novato, prepared by Carducci Associates Landscape Architects and Planners San Francisco, CA states:
“The City of San Francisco has demonstrated that synthetic turf athletic fields accommodate two or three times more use than natural grass fields and that thousands of children and adults from community sports leagues can have a place to play soccer/lacrosse year-round. One synthetic turf field can accommodate up to 3,000 hours of use per year, equal to about 1,500 two-hour games.“
Furthermore, “There is potential for increased revenue from synthetic turf. A synthetic turf field received City Council support because it can cost less to maintain per hour than a natural grass field and generate revenues that make the synthetic turf field self-sustaining.” As stated by Scott Lowrie, “The market has enormous white space for growth in so many different ways. It will be exciting to watch this industry continue to grow and prosper.”