Artificial Lawns have poor drainage.

Here we have a case of “blaming the product for a poor install!” The reality is a properly installed lawn will have excellent drainage. Sometimes even better than the natural lawns out there. The odd gopher, heavy rain, and pet can create uneven pockets in “the real thing” that will accumulate too much water over time. But our artificial turf products are designed to keep your lawn from soggy mishaps.

Make sure you check out our installation tips on our other page. We start with a properly landscaped and graded base comprised of large to small granite, rocks, and sand. This ensures that water will drain faster than packed earth. With the turf itself, we install proper drainage holes and ensure that the whole lawn is sloped in the right direction.

Taking the time to install your turf properly upfront will mean it drains even better than a natural lawn. Plus, you won’t have those pesky critters and mudslides messing up your manicured area.


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